William B. Dickson

- will@iorodeo.com
- Ph.D. Mathematics, University of Glasgow, July 1999
- B.A. Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, July 1992
- 2009-Present, Co-founder, Vice-President IO Rodeo Inc
- 2017-Present, Instrumentation Engineer, California Institute of Technology
- 2008–2010, Senior Research Fellow Bioengineering, California Institute of Technology
- 2006–2008, Senior Postdoctoral Scholar Bioengineering, California Institute of Technology
- 2002–2006, Postdoctoral Scholar Bioengineering, California Institute of Technology
- 2001–2002, Programmer/Analyst II, Department of Integrative and Comparative Biology, University of California Berkeley
- 1999–2000, Senior Analyst/Mathematician, Applied Mathematics, Inc
- 1992–1996, Tutor/Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics, University of Glasgow
- 1989–1992, Research Assistant, Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- , , , , (2021) "The long-distance flight behavior of Drosophila supports an agent-based model for wind-assisted dispersal in insects",
- Jason T. Vance, Douglas L. Altshuler, William B. Dickson, Michael H. Dickinson, Stephen P. Roberts (2014), "Hovering flight in the Honeybee Apis mellifera: kinematic mechanisms for varying aerodynamic forces", Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 87 (6), pages 870-881,
- Michael Elzinga, William B. Dickson, Michael H. Dickinson (2012), "The influence of sensory delay on the yaw dynamics of a flapping insect", Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 9, 1685-1696
Douglas L. Altshuler, Kenneth C. Welch, Jr, Brian H. Cho, Danny B. Welch, Amy F. Lin, William B. Dickson, Michael H. Dickinson (2010), "Neuromuscular control of wingbeat kinematics in Anna's hummingbirds (Calypte anna)", Journal of Experimental Biology, 213, 2507-2514.
- Jasper C. Simon, William B. Dickson, Michael H. Dickinson (2010), "Prior Mating Experience Modulates the Dispersal of Drosophila in Males More Than in Females", Behavioral Genetics, 41, (5), 754-767.
- William B. Dickson, Peter Polidoro, Melisa M. Tanner, and Michael H. Dickinson (2010), “A linear systems analysis of the yaw dynamics of a dynamically scaled insect model”, Journal of Experimental Biology, 213, 3047-3061.
- David Lentink, William B. Dickson, Johan L. Van Leeuwen, and Michael H. Dickinson (2009), “Leading edge vortices elevate lift of autorotating plant seeds”, Science, 324, (5933), pages 1438-1440.
- William B. Dickson, Andrew D. Straw, and Michael H. Dickinson (2008), “An Integrative Model of Drosophila Flight”, AIAA Journal, 46, (9), pages 2150-2164.
- Sawyer, F.G., Epstein, M., Waydo, S., Dickson, W.B., Straw, A., Dickinson, M.H., and Murray, R.M. (2007), "Flight control in a flapping-wing fruit fly simulator", The Neuromorphic Engineer, 12 Nov.,
- Christian Poelma, William B. Dickson and Michael, H. Dickinson (2006), “Time-resolved reconstruction of the full velocity field around a dynamically-scaled flapping wing”, Experiments in Fluids, 41, (2), pages 213-225.
- Doug L. Altshuler, William B. Dickson, Jason, T. Vance, Stephen P. Roberts and Michael H. Dickinson (2005), “Short-amplitude high-frequency wing strokes determine the aerodynamics of honeybee flight”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 102, (50), pages 18213-18218.
- William B. Dickson and Michael H. Dickinson (2004), “The effect of advance ratio on the aerodynamics of revolving wings”, Journal of Experimental Biology, 207, pages 4269-4281.
- James M. Birch, William B. Dickson and Michael H. Dickinson (2004), “Force production and flow structure of the leading edge vortex on flapping wings at high and low Reynolds numbers”, Journal of Experimental Biology, 207, pages 1063-1072.
Conference Proceedings
- Bo Cheng, Steven Fry, Qingfeng Huang, William Dickson, Michael Dickinson and Xinyan Deng, “Turning dynamics and passive stability in flapping flight”, Proceedings of 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA’09).
- Matthew J. Munson, William B. Dickson, Morteza Gharib, and Tim Colonius (submitted), “A New Low Reynolds Number Facility for Active Flow Control Applications”, 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit.
- Michael Epstein, Stephen Waydo, Sawyer B. Fuller, William B. Dickson, Andrew D. Straw, Michael H. Dickinson and Richard M. Murray (2007), “Biologically Inspired Feedback Design for Drosophila Flight”, American Control Conference, New York, USA.
- Kunihiko Taira, William B. Dickson, Tim Colonius, Michael H. Dickinson and Clarence W. Rowley (2007), “Unsteadiness in Flow over a Flat Plate at Angle-of-Attack at Low Reynolds Numbers”, AIAA-2007-710, 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit.
- William B. Dickson, Andrew D. Straw, Christian Poelma and Michael H. Dickinson (2006), “An Integrative Model of Insect Flight Control”, AIAA-2006-34, 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada.