Name: IO Rodeo Inc
Address: 616 Castano Avenue, Pasadena CA 91107
European Manufacturer: No
The Multichannel Open Colorimeter is a photometer for measuring light absorbance through samples in a standard 10mm pathlength cuvette. The device uses the Adafruit AS7341 10-Channel Light Sensor. The AS7341 light sensor is an multichannel light sensor with 8 channels covering the visible light spectrum from 415-680 nm as well as a near-IR channel.
The Multichannel Open Colorimeter uses a PyBadge pre-programmed with open source CircuitPython firmware. The cuvette holder and enclosure are made from 3D-printed black plastic. Links to the hardware designs and open source firmware are in the Product Guide.
The Multichannel Open Colorimeter ships pre-programmed & ready-to-use. No assembly, soldering or programming is required.
Product Features:
Documentation: Visit the Product Guide for full details.
Open Colorimeter is Open Hardware certified.